Anomalous, Paranormal, Super Natural Experiences -
Mental Health Professionals and Practitioners Supporting Experiencers

There are a growing number of Mental Health Care Professionals and Practitioners like me, who are supporting experiencers of anomalous, exceptional experiences. I'm a member of the E³ Exceptional Experiencer Empowerment Initiative, an international professional group for mental health care professionals.


I see it as part of my role to promote good mental health, to reduce the anxiety surrounding extraordinary experiences and to encourage a better, kinder disclosure process. An extraordinary experience may be real, imagined or a combination of the two, but the fear and distress are often all too real and what has happened is part of the individual's 'lived experience'. These people need care, support and, in some cases, treatment. The general population will need support if the existence of non-human intelligences are revealed. Good mental health and well-being requires considerable care in the handling of such disclosures, and well-formulated strategies for the aftermath.


Many people have profound, extraordinary experiences that they don't talk about for fear of being ridiculed or pathologised. Others are aware that they have unusual abilities but keep them secret to avoid judgement. Anomalous experiences are those we have defined as falling outside our current definition of consensus reality across individuals, cultures and time. But this definition is a moving target. uNHIdden's White Paper quotes Professor Thomas Rabeyron's definition of an Exceptional Experience to be: “a rare, spontaneous or provoked experience, involving from the subject's point of view a nonordinary interaction with his or her environment. It often generates intense emotions, both positive and negative, stemming from its unusual and strange nature” (p.4).


There are many human experiences that can be considered anomalous. Examples include spiritual epiphanies or profound lucid dreams that seem more familiar to most people. Other experiences may include contact with disembodied souls, out-of-body experiences (OBE), near-death experiences (NDE), or contact with non-human entities (NHE).


Reports of anomalous experiences now show that they may be happening to millions of people. Some reported estimates show that approximately 30-50% of the world's population report at least one anomalous experience in their lifetime (Cardena et al., 2014; Ross and Joshi, 1992).  Approximately 50% of those who report anomalous experiences say they have difficulty integrating them into their lives (Rabeyron, 2022).


Everyone who has anomalous experiences deserves to be validated, supported and not pathologised. These experiences are real and a legitimate part of our human experience. Academic leaders at universities are working closely with scientists who are researching and writing scientific papers on this phenomenon (Kripal, 2010; Pasulka, 2019). John Mack, M.D., Harvard psychiatrist, professor of psychiatry, and Pulitzer Prize-winning author, evaluated thousands of anomalous experiencers, validated the authenticity of their experiences as not psychopathology, and dedicated his life to helping this population develop coping strategies. He coined the term 'ontological shock' to describe what experiencers go through as they try to integrate what is happening to them when it radically challenges their worldview. (Mack, 1999).


Ontological shock and “controlled disclosure”
"Sociologist Anthony Giddens referred to ontological security as a sense of order and continuity in the way in which an individual sees the world. If an event occurs that is not consistent with the meaning of an individual’s life, it will threaten that individual’s ontological security – and such an event is an ‘ontological shock’ " which can have similar symptoms to other forms of shock and can cause PTSD. "The term has now been adopted within UAP circles for the shock of finding that humans are not alone in the universe. Speaking at the Sol Symposium at the University of Stanford in November 2023, retired US Army Colonel Karl Nell set out a plan for what he termed “controlled disclosure.” He presented a systematic programme of activities based around the governmental, humanities, scientific and business aspects of UAP disclosure. However, medical and psychological aspects were not included. This is an omission that should be remedied. A people-centric approach to UAP disclosure is essential" (Arujuna et al., White Paper: The impact of Exceptional Experiences and disclosure on mental health and wellbeing, 2024, p. 5).

And this is precisely the kind of non-judgmental support you can find from me at my Balance Practice.


                     All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force. We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent Mind.” -- Max Planck (Nobel Prize–winning physicist)


.                                       Everything science has taught me—and continues to teach me—strengthens my belief in the continuity of our spiritual existence after death. Nothing disappears without a trace. —Wernher von Braun


Examples of Anomalous Experiences

The following excerpts are descriptions of anomalous experiences from The American Psychological Association (APA) research publication, Varieties of Anomalous Experience: Examining the Scientific Evidence:

Anomalous Self and Identity Experiences

Experiences that challenge the sense of self include fusional experiences, a sense of merging with another being, whether another person or a divinity, or the universe as a while. This might be the feeling of a mystical experience or an experience of no boundaries around the self.
Another type of shift in self-awareness can happen with an out-of-body experience (OBE) when people sense their self or center of awareness as if it were located outside the physical body.
There can be profound identity shifts with those who experience trance states, spirit possession and mediumship or channeling. Identity refers to an integrated sense of self across time. Anomalous experiences can significantly challenge the sense of reality and identity.

Lucid Dreaming

Being explicitly aware of dreaming and have volition within the dreaming state.

Near-Death Experiences

Near-death experiences (NDEs) are understood to be unusual, often vivid, realistic and sometimes profoundly life-changing experiences occurring to people who have been psychologically close to death, as in cardiac arrest or other life-threatening conditions, or psychologically close to death in accidents or illnesses, in some cases even brain dead. NDEs were once thought to be rare, but several prospective studies have found them reported by 10-20% of those who have come close to death, now thought to be a low estimate. Reports have come from all over the world and throughout history.

Psi-Related Experiences

For over a century, researchers have investigated psi-related experiences (PREs) or spontaneous psi, including reports of telepathy (direct mind-to-mind communication), clairvoyance (knowledge of distant events), pre-cognition (knowledge of the future), psychokinesis (moving physical objects with the mind), levitation and various other psi abilities. Anomalous experiences can also be sensed through the use of intuitive, empathic and other extrasensory perception.

Anomalous healing experiences are defined as recoveries from serious illnesses that defy explanation through conventional biomedical frameworks.

.                                                   Synesthesia

Anomalous arousal of sensations or perceptions in a secondary sense modality. When tones are also sensed as colors, words are sensed as colors or any crossing of sensory, perceptual or personification evoked by stimulus. Synesthesia is commonly reported as an experience of some gifted individuals.

Anomalous Healing Experiences

E.T. Close Contact Experiences

Extra Terrestrial close contact experiences can include temporary paralysis and out-of-body sensations. They are often described as vivid, emotionally intense, realistic and extremely distressing (see, for example, the extensive literature on this from Whitley Strieber, Dr. John Mack, M.D.,etc). The experiencers may report missing time, seeing strange balls of light, memories of being taken by nonhuman entities to a location such as an alien spacecraft, being subjected to complex physical and psychological procedures. This can be isolated events but more commonly are recalled as repeated episodes over several years or an entire lifetime.

Research surveys of close contact reports show other common features to include the experience of examinations, communication with non-humans, guided examination of the UFO/UAP, transport to another place on earth or an unearthly environment, receipt of spiritual messages, egress from the UFO/UAP and return to earth and post-contact experience effects. Research is quoted showing many thousands of Americans (and thousands more world-wide) believe aliens have visited them, making it one of the most common and frequently reported anomalous experience.

These descriptions illustrate the close contact experience is a dynamic, elaborate, and involved experience, rich in contextual detail, with considerable perceptual, psychological, cognitive, and physical concomitants.

Mystical Experiences

Mystical experiences of all types are widespread and can be defined as any mystical, sometimes spiritual, experience that diverges in fundamental ways from ordinary conscious awareness and leaves a strong impression of having encountered a reality radically different from the sensory-based world of everyday experience. These experiences may arise spontaneously, out of spiritual practice or experiences, shamanic (or similar) practices or from the use of psychedelics. 

Mystical experiences may include bodily manifestations, spiritual healing, seeing auras, telekinesis, journeying to the spirit world and witnessing events at a distance. There may be visions and auditions as integral elements of the experiences.

Assessment and therapy

As with any medical or mental health need, assessment and evaluation for associated conditions in a holistic view of the experiencer's life is an important part of treatment. Therapy for experiencers can address common issues such as confusion, fear of going 'mad' or being seen as unstable by others, long-term secrecy and leading a double life, relationship difficulties, unhealthy coping strategies, trauma and resulting mental health problems such as depression and anxiety due to the challenges of understanding and integrating abnormal experiences.
It is important to find supportive professionals who can guide experiencers on a healing path. There can be tremendous growth and vibrant life change as a result of healthy integration and engagement with anomalous experiences.

Contact me for my services.


               "The most beautiful and most profound experience is the sensation of the mystical. It is the sower of all true science." -- Albert Einstein

Arujuna V., Dr. Church, R., Davies, J., McCaw, H., et al. (2024). White Paper: The impact of Exceptional Experiences and disclosure on mental health and wellbeing.

Cardena, E., Lynn, S.J., and Krippner, S. (2014). Varieties of Anomalous Experience: Examining the Scientific Evidence. Washington: American Psychological Association.
Kripal, J.J. (2010). Authors of the Impossible: The Paranormal and the Sacred. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Kripal, J.J., and Strieber, W. (2017). The Super Natural: Why the Unexplained Is Real. Penguin Publishing Group.

Mack, J. (1997) Abduction: Human Encounters with Aliens. Simon and Schuster, Revised Edition, Ballantine Books.
Mack, J. (1999). Passport to the Cosmos. US and UK: White Crow Books.
Pasulka, D.W. (2019). American Cosmic: UFOs, Religion, Technology. New York: Oxford University Press.
Rabeyron, T. (2022). When the Truth Is Out There: Counseling People Who Report Anomalous Experiences. Front. Psychol. 12:693707. Dol: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.693707.
Ross, C.A., and Joshi, S. (1992). Paranormal experiences in the general population. Nerv. Ment. Dis. 180, 357-361.
Strieber, W. (1987). Communion. New York: Walker & Collier.

Strieber, W. (2019). A New World. Beyond Words.

Strieber, W. (2023). Them. New York: Walker & Collier.

Wilson, R. (2023). Soul Boom: Why We Need a Spiritual Revolution (p. 92&97). New York: Hachette Books.

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